COVID Update

I hope everyone is doing well and has stayed safe during the pandemic. My husband and I are full vaccinated, though we do still wear masks and take precautions. But I am looking forward to festivals and traveling again and I hope you are too!

Hopefully you have kept your pet’s health and vaccinations up-to-date including flea and heart worm treatments. Personally, I have switched to using a mobile vet and I love it. Our cat Harold got so stressed out going to the vet and was acting out, being very aggressive, even after giving him a “happy pill.” We started using Dr. Ashley Tahir and I can’t say enough good things about her and her vet tech. They are very professional and Dr. Ashley is incredibly knowledgable. During Harold’s exam, he was calm and friendly and let Dr. Ashley examine him. He got a little hissy with the prick of the vaccinations, but all in all, he was so much better than when he had to be loaded into a carrier and taken to the vet. Check out her website.

Our previous blog post “Getting Ready to Spring Into the Nola Summer” has lots of great advice to help you and your pet to transition into the hotter months.

When you start to travel again, don’t forget to book pet sitting!